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Pre-Primary & Primary (Prekg-V)

Our curriculum in Pre Primary and Primary classes is structured with the syllabus of Eupheus learning, which customises the revision aids for students by making them to understand the subject at the topic level.

Middle and Secondary grade (VI - X)

Our curriculum in middle and secondary grade is structured with the syllabus of NCERT which allows the teachers to build-up learning environment in the class room and outside. Uncovering the syllabus and exploring the printed resources in library, Internet, field trips , group discussions, developing, learning communities and adopting 21st century style of learning at global standard helps the child to have a broad experience and prepare him / her to face challenges ahead.

Senior Secondary (XI & XII)

We facilitate integrated holistic education through NCERT syllabus to inculcate a sound physical, intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual character in our students.

At Senior secondary level, you will discover yourself and reinvent yourself. This is a crucial period, which will decide the future of the students.

Courses offered (XI & XII)

Group 1(Science): Physics, Chemistry, Maths/Computer Science ,Biology

Group 2 (Science): Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Computer science

Group 3 (Arts) : Accountancy, Business Studies, Economics, Informatics Practices

Group 4 (Arts) : Entrepreneurship, Business studies,Economics,Informatics Practices.

Special Curriculum

Foundation Programme

The syllabus for this program has been designed to lay a strong foundation of the basic concepts in Science and Mathematics.

Therefore, our students would have a dual advantage over other students in terms of their enhanced performance at the respective school exams as well as a better performance in various competitive exams such as JEE (MAIN & ADVANCED) and NEET. In this process, this program also aims to enhance the IQ level of students.

Special Programme

Two Years integrated comprehensive enrichment coaching is conducted for IIT JEE (Mains & Advanced) and NEET by KERALA NEET ACADEMY, with the aim of preparing the students for getting admissions in the prestigious medical colleges,AIIMS,JIPMER,Engineering colleges,Anna University,IIT’s etc.,

The Faculty are the dedicated team of scholars and Top Notch educators from Kerala,Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka besides our core team.

Special Features

Play way method of learning for cognitive development.

Continuous and comprehensive Assessment through novelty, in group activities. catering to all types of learners.

Concept papers at the end of each semester, Periodical assessment and suitable remedial measures are taken to make them strong in fundamentals.

Concept based learning promoting deep learning.

To satisfy curiosity and inquistiveness on aiming at excellence the approach provides your child and atmosphere to pursue individual interests and focus on the their eventual career choices.

Remedial classes for the below average and the achiever's classes for the bright students to ensure that every student turns to be a beneficiary.